Date: March 4, 2020
Subject: Orientation Schedule

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Friday, August 27

8:30am - 12:00pm

Check-in and Matriculation 
Arrive on campus, and check in with our friendly student staffers. Shake hands with President on the same stage you'll walk across when you graduate in four years. Pick up your Orientation materials and your Residence Hall room key under the big tent on the Quad.

8:30am - 1:00pm

You're home! Meet your new roommate and check out your new digs. Look for Orientation Staff in blue to help you move into your residence hall. Staff from IT Services will also be on hand to help you connect to the Demo University network.

11:30am - 1:00pm

After you've worked up an appetite moving in, it's time for a lunch break! Enjoy your choice of sandwiches and drinks at the Barnes Campus Center Café. A complimentary lunch for First-Year students is also available at the Drayer Hall in the Dowling Campus Center, and families pay just $6 per person. Families may also use this time to try one of our many local restaurants in town.

1:00pm - 1:45pm

Meet Your Orientation Mentor 
Your Orientation Advistor (OA) will be your guide throughout the weekend. Find your group number (located on your folder), meet your group and preview the Orientation schedule.


First-Year Seminar Meetings 
Can't wait to start classes? You don't have to! Your OAs will escort you to your First-Year Seminar meeting, where you will get to know your Seminar Professor and learn more about the work you'll be undertaking in the coming weeks.

3:15pm - 4:15pm

First-Year Snacks 
Get to know your new friends, relax in the air conditioning and enjoy some tasty treats. It's been a busy, stressful day, and you deserve a break.

4:30pm - 5:00pm

President's Welcome Ceremony 
President  welcomes the Classes of 2014 and their families to campus and offers advice for making the most of the Demo University experience.

5:00pm - 5:30pm

Family Farewell 
Bid your family farewell—this is the last (Rain site: Gym) opportunity for families and students to connect during Orientation weekend. Hugs are expected, and tears are a-okay.

5:30pm - 6:15pm

Community Meetings
Get to know your new hall mates and friends as well as your Resident Assistant (RA) during a community meeting in your residence hall. What can you look forward to this semester? You'll find out right here.

6:30pm - 7:30pm

Worlds of Food 
Enjoy international cuisine from Italy, Spain, China, Vietnam, Thailand, and various other countries where Demo students study abroad. Thinking about studying abroad yourself? Test out the local cuisine and talk with staffers from our Global Education staff.

7:30pm - 8:15pm

Hillel Shabbat Reception (optional)
Whether you practice Judaism or are interested in a variety of faiths, this is a great opportunity to tour the beautifully renovated Noabbel Center for Jewish Life and enjoy dessert with members of the Hillel Board.

8:15pm - 9:00pm

Magnification - Classes of 2014 Photo
Bring your cell phone and your smile for this classic Demo tradition. You have to see it to believe it! (Flashlights will be available for those without a cell phone.)

9:00pm - 10:00pm

Evening Activity
Explore the hidden potential of the human mind with Magician Chriss Angell. Think no one knows what you're really feeling right now? Chris knows!

10:30pm - 12:30am

Movie on the Quad 
Bring a blanket, and enjoy cotton candy and and popcorn under the stars while Iron Man 2 plays on the big screen.

Saturday, August 28

8:00am - 9:00am

Morning Refreshments
Fuel up with bagels, donuts, coffee and orange juice before the morning's Community Service Projects. You'll need the energy!

9:00am - 12:00pm

Community Service Project
Explore your new community while learning what you can do to make it a better place to live and learn. You may be cleaning or working outdoors, so proper attire and footwear are recommended.

12:00 pm - 12:45pm

Take a shower, change your clothes, take a nap … do what you have to do to feel refreshed and relaxed, but please don't be late for OA Group time on the Quad.


OA Group Time
Find your group number and get ready to have some fun!

1:00pm - 2:00pm

Demo Eats Green 
Enjoy a delicious meal while helping to preserve our planet. A presentation by the Demo Green Team will highlight campus-wide environmental efforts and teach you how to get involved with the big, green idea on campus.

2:00pm - 4:00pm

First-Year Advising Open House (optional)
Have questions about your schedule? Dowling Campus Center Want to change your courses or explore other options? Your faculty adviser and first-year deans are here to help.

Library Open House (optional)
Tour the Schmelkinson Learning Commons and learn about the different resources the library has to offer. Whether you're a library junkie or a research newbie, you'll soon feel right at home in the library.

First Day Guides (optional)
Meet at Dowling Campus Center Monday is the first day of classes! But how are you going to figure out where all of your classes are being held? OAs will be available to help you find your classrooms and answer questions.

Shopping Shuttles (optional)
Need to pick up some last minute school supplies or items for your room? Demo vans will be available to take you to Target Super Center and get you back to campus.

Games in Dowling (optional)
Looking for some downtime? Find a comfortable spot in Dowling Campus Center (it's not hard) and become a kid again while you play board and card games with your new friends.

4:30pm - 5:30pm

CIRP Survey 
After taking this important national survey, See your OA you will receive your Student ID. Please do not miss this opportunity to make your voice heard as CIRP polls more than 400,000 incoming first-year students.

5:30pm - 7:00pm

Barbecue Dinner and Quad Party 
Mix, mingle and munch during your first of many dinners on the Quad. Student-run radio station REOS will be broadcasting live.


Battle at the Colleges
Who's the strongest, who's the smartest, who's the bravest?? You'll soon find out! Students will be split into teams and compete in various physical and mental challenges! Sneakers and socks are strongly recommended.

11:00pm - 1:00am

Around the World with Campus Activities 
Play, dance, sing or just relax at any of our four concurrent activities.

Video Dance Party
Think you've got the best moves? Showcase your talent while you dance the night away with your new friends and classmates.

Virtual Reality
What's better than playing Wii Sports Resort, Call of Duty or Rock Band with 100 of your closest friends? How about playing them on a giant screen!

Karaoke/Open Mic
Whether you're the next Kelly Clarkson or the next Sanjaya Malakar, give our Karaoke machine a try. We can't promise you'll get applause, but we can promise plenty of laughs.

Board Game Bonanza
Whether it's passing "Go" or checkmating your foe, our board game selection promises to keep your evening exciting!

11:30pm - 12:30am

Midnight Breakfast
Though they'll soon be dishing out readings and homework assignments tonight, several Demo faculty members will be serving up delicious breakfast foods. Sure tastes better than homework!

Sunday, August 29

8:30am - 9:45am

Breakfast with your OA Group 
Fuel up for the day's events with your new friends and share stories about the people you met and the things you did Around the World with Campus Activities.

10:00am - 12:00pm

Social Class and Demo: OA Groups 22-42
What is inclusive excellence and how will it impact Dowling Campus Center your experiences on campus and in the world beyond? This interactive discussion is designed to start open, honest discussions about diversity issues.

Demo Sessions: OA Groups 1-21

Getting the Big Picture: Managing Your Semester 
Between classes, clubs, friends and sports, college life can be tough. Our Center for Teaching and Learning staff have some amazing resources to help you manage your time and priorities.

Career Services: Highlights on Pathways
Fellowships and Health Professions Advising An introduction to "Pathways" – a career development plan that encourages and motivates you to discover, explore and experience all of your academic, personal and career-related interests.

Student Leadership Panel 
Interested in starting a club? Running for Congress? Ruling the world? Hear from upperclass students about the leadership opportunities available and ways to get involved on campus.

12:00pm - 1:30pm

Pizza Wars with Student Governments
This is easily the most amazing quiz you will complete at Demo: which local pizzeria serves the best slice? You'll sample different flavors and specialties and vote for your favorite. Members of Jackson Student Government will also be on hand to introduce themselves and answer your questions.

1:30pm - 3:30pm

Social Class and Demo: OA Groups 1-21
See previous description

Demo Concurrent Sessions: OA Groups 22-42

Getting the Big Picture: Managing Your Semester 
See previous description

Career Services: Highlights on Pathways
See previous description

Student Leadership Panel 
See previous description

4:00pm - 4:45pm

Interfaith Welcome Service (optional)
Religious Life at Demo is rich and varied, with a variety of programs, services, and student organizations. Meet the priest and others ready to assist in your spiritual journey.



9:00pm - 10:00pm

Community Meeting
Finally, the upper class students have arrived on campus! Meet your new hall mates and learn about life in your residence hall. Your RA will also have important information to share.